
Permanent Make-Up

Permanent makeup was added to our practice in 2008 followed by microblading in 2017.

Traci Hendries, COA has completed training and certification in both types of procedures. She has treated hundreds of satisfied clients since 2008. She works closely with clients to deliver an exceptional experience and outcome. In addition to her permanent makeup training and experience, her ophthalmic knowledge makes her exceptionally qualified to work with micro-pigmentation near and around your eyes.

What is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup, better known as micro-pigmentation, is the art of implanting pigment into the skin, much like tattooing. A motorized handpiece is used to implant the pigment.

Micro-pigmentation can be done on eyebrows as well as eyeliner. This technique has a lasting effect and typically lasts 3-5 years before any enhancements are needed.  

Is it really permanent?

Permanent makeup is a form of tattooing, but unlike a tattoo's permanent state, makeup is done with specially formulated pigments designed for the delicate skin on the face and eye area. These pigments will fade over time but will typically last 3-5 years. Since each individual is different, some may last longer than others before they require an enhancement.

Permanent Makeup Brow (solid color)

Permanent Makeup Brow (solid color)

Does it hurt?

We work very closely with each client to ensure your comfort. Topical & injectable anesthetics are offered prior to or during your procedure. Our goal is to keep you as comfortable as possible. Most people experience little to no discomfort.

Microblading of Brow (fine individual lines)

Microblading of Brow (fine individual lines)

What is micro-blading?

Micro-blading or 3-D brows is a technique used for eyebrows only. A manual handpiece is used to make fine lines in the brow area to mimic the look of brow hair. This technique creates a more natural-looking eyebrow. This typically lasts 2-3 years before any enhancements are needed.

What’s the difference between micro-blading and permanent makeup?

Micro-blading uses a series of multiple fine lines to mimic the look of individual hairs. The permanent makeup option fills the area of the brow with pigment, much like the look of penciling on the brows with a brow pencil.

What does it cost?

The fee for permanent makeup is $450 for brows, $450 for eyeliner (both eyes upper & lower) and microblading of the brows is $450. Each procedure may require an enhancement at a later date which may incur an additional charge of $50-$150. Each procedure is full price after 1 year. Permanent makeup and micro-blading are purely cosmetic; therefore, no insurance will cover this service.

Permanent Makeup Eyeliner

Permanent Makeup Eyeliner

How do I set this up?

Any person who is interested will need to contact our office to schedule a consult to see if you are a candidate. At this visit, the procedure and any risks will be discussed. We will also review color options and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Here is a copy of the patient consent form to review prior to your consultation/procedure.

Call us today at (563) 582-0769 to schedule a consultation!